Species Spotlight: Eastern Chipmunk
Looks like: Chipmunks are only about 6 inches long, but their wiry tails add another few inches. They have reddish-brown fur and white stripes bordered by black on their sides, face, and back.
Lives in: Open deciduous forests and brushy areas. Chipmunks dig burrows underground.
Food web: Chipmunks are omnivorous, feeding on seeds, fruit, nuts, insects, eggs, and meat. They are prey for owls, hawks, fox, coyote, weasel, and bobcats.
Threats: Large rainstorms and sudden snow melt in winter (which is more common as the climate changes) can flood burrows.
Frequency: Common
Reproduction: Mating occurs in April and again in July or August. Young are born a month later, but don’t venture out of the burrow until they are almost full grown.
Fun facts: Chipmunks spend a lot of their time eating and collecting food to store for the winter. They can carry large amounts of food in cheek pouches.