Species Spotlight: Wild Turkey
Looks Like: Wild turkeys are large, plump birds with a wide, rounded tail and a small head on a long, bare, slim neck. They are dark in color, barred with white on their wings. Most of their plumage also features a bronze-green iridescence.
Lives In: Wild turkeys live in woodlands with open areas like meadows. Unlike domestic turkeys, wild turkeys can fly and often roost in trees to stay safe from coyotes, Great-horned owls and foxes.
Niche: Turkeys are omnivorous and eat acorns, nuts, seeds, berries, insects and occasionally amphibians.
Threats: As a common species, there are no known threats.
Frequency: After being over-hunted in large parts of their range, turkeys were reintroduced and are numerous once again.
Reproduction: In early spring, males perform courtship displays where they puff up their body feathers, flare their tails into a vertical fan, and strut slowly. Female turkeys will nest on the ground using dead leaves and other materials. Newly hatched chicks follow the female, who feeds them for a few days until they learn to find food on their own.
Fun Fact: “Gobble” isn’t the only sound turkeys make. They also cluck, cackle, purr and yelp. Males make a drumming noise in their chest.